World’s Fastest Hot Tub Car Created by Canadian McMaster University Students

There’s a pair of Canadians who built a fully functioning mobile hot tub into a 1969 Cadillac! That’s right, a hot tub car! Called the Carpool DeVille, this brainchild raised over $10,000 in Kickerstarter money, a fundraising website, and is the “world’s fastest hot tub”!

Duncan Forster and Phil Wiecker who are engineering graduates from McMaster University came up with this bright idea. What a cool thought! Can you just imagine what they were thinking when they came up with that idea? “Hmmm, well I love cars, and I love hot tubs! So why not combine them!” Sweet idea dude. Surely alcohol was involved.

The project went on to raise over $10,000 during a four-week campaign. Now they have their sights set on being officially recognized as the “world’s fastest hot tub” at Speed Week, an annual racing event at Utah’s Bonneville Salt Flats.
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The Carpool DeVille can hold 5,000 pounds of water and can heat up to 39 degrees C. It is made from a custom-made fiberglass tub, inside a Cadillac.

What a great accomplishment! Hopefully we get to see more of the Carpool DeVille in the future.

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